Even though Denmark has one of the best and most secure public transport systems globally, the companies who's job it is to keep everything running still get criticized by the general public for infrequent delays.
These delays affect everyone using public transport, even the commuters who know what to expect when they set off for work in the morning. Screens, apps and station speakers tell you that there's one-, two-, three- problems on your route...
But who's telling you how to navigate these problems, when every minute counts?
Pendla cuts to the chase when it comes to your optimal route. The design prioritizes critical information - so you don't miss that important train, sparing you painful minutes of inactivity.

Pendla, as an app, provides one key feature: Speed.
The danish public transport system sports loads of informative sources. This is where Pendla is kept lightweight: by referring to other services whenever you want more information.

To spread the word about Pendla, targeted advertising will be kept simple:
Set up guiding & informational posters where commuters are most likely to look for answers when they miss their train - the stops and stations.